Monday, September 15, 2008

Typhoon 1 Jade 0

So it seems I underestimated the typhoon my last post or at least I had figured it was over when really it was yet to start. Sunday it pelted with rain all day...I mean all day. I decided to do laundry as my internet went down quite early and I was housebound due to the typhoon. Unfortunately my washing machine is on the balcony...still can't complain at least I have one and don't have to use a laundromat. So I had to put a raincoat on just to open the balcony door and quickly try and stuff my clothes into the washing machine. It was actually quite amusing, I'm glad there was no one on the street to see me.

The rain and wind persisted last night as well and while there seems to be a slight break now I don't think it's going to last (in fact as we speak the rain has started up again). I guess I may be housebound again today.

I did catch up on my movie watching yesterday. I ended up watching "The life before here eyes' which I really enjoyed, sure it was actually easy to see where it was going and it got tedious in some parts but I loved the way they told it. It's about a woman who was in a Columbine like massacre which killed her best friend. 15 years on she's happily married with a kid but her past still haunts her. It's apparently based on a book which I think I will have to hunt down.

I then watched The Last King of Scotland, the first part was actually a lot lighter than I expected, it was nice to see Gillian Anderson in something other than X-Files. The second half was the serious part I was actually expecting the whole movie to be. All in all it was ok, the fact the main character had trouble keeping his thing in his pants got a bit tedious though.

Lastly I watched Freedom Writers, yet another based on a true story inspirational teaching movie but I actually really liked it, it was much better than Dangerous Minds and I'm a fan of Hilary Swank anyway.

So that was my Sunday. Sitting around watching the rain pelt the windows and trying to fill in the hours. I have a feeling if the rain doesn't stop that is how today will be as well. I think the novelty of these typhoons will get old very fast. In fact it may already have.

Anyway that's pretty much all I have for now. I don't feel like doing any teaching stuff today, it's my weekend there will be no work done on my weekend! Well at least until tonight.

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