Thursday, September 11, 2008

Almost Legal

So my health check came through and apart from having abnormal skin (tattoos) I got a full pass. Thus the mammoth mound of paperwork began. Now I understand why Amy was hesitant to start anything before hand. Firstly we are both inexperienced with the forms. The office girl started only 2 weeks before me so she had never done the paperwork needed thus Amy and I had to slog through it. Actually any part that wasn't in Chinese I had to do.

Tonight I actually saw my contract for the first time and it was in English so no need for a hissy fit there. Everything seems above board which is a relief. The only thing that could have been better is she considered my employment started from Sep 1 so my contract doesn't end until August 31. meh but still a few extra days won't hurt me and hopefully my arc will be for a year so I will still have time afterwards to do a little bit of travelling in Taiwan before moving on.

During the conversation Amy asked what my plans were after the year...I told her I had trouble knowing what tomorrow holds let alone a year from now...which isn't really a lie. The fact I'm almost certain it doesn't involve Melody School is something I kept to myself.

I have to attend a meeting in Taichung tomorrow morning at 9 am which means a 7am start here MEH. Of course once again I got told late this afternoon and actually it was by a fellow teacher not Amy.

Yesterday I was dragged out of my class to interview a potential new part time teacher. Why I was interviewing I have no idea, I guess to test fluency. As far as I was concerned her fluency was good. It probably could have been better but I was impressed, although I think I marked her too leniently (I gave her a 9/10...she was standing right behind me when Amy was asking).

I had some strange Chinese guy knock on my door today and he was saying stuff in Chinese to me. Eventually he left but he did keep trying to see into my room. I wish I knew what he wanted.

My pilfered internet has been down for a couple of days hence the nonposting. It sucks when it is down but I'm coping better now than I would have before.

I watched Speed Racer the other night and was actually kinda impressed. Yes it got bad reviews but really I think for what it is it's pretty awesome and honestly I don't think anyone could have done it better. Yes it was predictable and yes the visual was quite odd but it was based on an anime tv show so the visuals were quite apt (imho).

I also watched Harold and Kumar 2 that I was less than thrilled with, it had it's moments but really if I had to choose between the 2 movies Speed Racer would win hands down. Next on my viewing list is Street Kings.

Ok like I said early start tomorrow so I must go try and get some sleep.

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