Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Once more into the fray

So there are interesting things afoot at my school. I rocked up on Tuesday to find a new local teacher, Winnie, among the mix. She's actually very nice although her english ability isn't overly great and her pronounciation could be a lot better. I spent 1 hour Tuesday working on pronouciation with her and Chloe.

The reason for the new full time teacher is that Aniga one of the other local teachers is leaving. I'm quite sad about that because I think that given enough time Aniga and I could have been quite good friends. I guess that is just how things go.

So yeah my timetable is changing classes are merging I really have no idea what is going on but I rock up everyday and just teach what I can.

I talked to Amy about the possibility of me playing English music in the office and she was quite enthusiastic about it so starting tomorrow I'm going to educate everyone on the grandness of Australian Music yay and other music....

So Anna told me this afternoon that there is another teacher meeting in Taichung tomorrow and so stupid me I asked Amy about it and she looked surprised and was like "yes, are you coming with us..." which makes me think that I may have got out of it if I'd just kept my stupid mouth closed...of course it may have be meant in a different way but I doubt it. So tomorrow morning I have to be at the school at 7.40 in time to get to Taichung where I'm sure I will sit through 4 hours of English teaching training in Chinese. This time I'm going to make an effort though to get the trainers to talk English. At least if it doesn't work I can say I really really tried. I feel I owe it to Amy to at least do that and tomorrow's lesson is on how to be a better teacher which is something I could stand to learn a few things about.

Unfortunately tomorrow's meeting means I can't go swimming in the morning like I was thinking of doing although honestly the chance of it happening even if I didn't have the meeting was probably only like 30%.

I was going to write a whole thing on the challenges faced by an English teacher teaching in Taiwan but I guess that will wait for another time as I have an early start tomorrow and well yeah my body doesn't do early anymore.

I actually made an effort to clean my apartment looks better than before but it still looks messy I keep forgetting to invest in more coathangers. I have a few but not enough and so I use that as an excuse not to hang anything up heh.

YouTube is fast becoming a favourite site for me. I don't bother with the amatuer stuff that bores me I don't like watching average joes singing my favourite songs off key nor do I like the jackass inspired crap. I do however like finding tv programs that I've not heard of. I've also been using it to watch ESL teaching videos which while not overly helpful aren't too bad.

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