Monday, September 1, 2008

Sunday 31 August
Last night I was in internet heaven unfortunately it was not to last and while I can still get wifi signals in my room I’m unable to attain an IP address and thus it seems once again it is back to wandering JhuShan with my little eee trying to find something that will let me connect.

It wasn’t all in vain though as David rang last night while I still had a working connection and we decided he should come visit JhuShan for a day so we could do the tourist thing together. So with the internet going I was able to email him the characters of the town and landmarks he should watch out for while on the bus as he’s never been to JhuShan.

We decided Sun Moon Lake was the place to be and David decided to flex his Mandarin skills by asking the local cop shop for directions. Unfortunately we had no idea what the cops were saying and so with our tails between our legs we wandered off to see Brian in the hopes he could direct us to a bus there. He did better than that and soon we were in his car with him and his daughter navigating us to Sun Moon Lake. The spot was beautiful although a lot further away than I initially thought. After taking in the place by foot and saying farewell and thanks to Brian and his daughter who headed back to JhuShan we put on our sea legs and hoped a boat for a tour around the lake.

The tour was amazing and there were many a picture taken. My favourite place was this street market which sold some awesome taro ice cream (at least I’m assuming it was taro). David over indulged in some local crackers and got a huge stomach ache. They reminded me of prawn crackers at least the texture, he had no idea what prawn crackers were which fascinated me more. They were more peppery apparently but I only had a nibble.

There was also this temple at the top of a hill which was awesome.

We spent time discussing everything from music to poetry. He started singing Waltzing Matilda and I told him that song creeped me out because ultimately it is extremely dark. He looked puzzled so I told him that essentially it’s about a vagrant that chooses to drown himself rather than get arrested for stealing a sheep. He agreed and stopped singing it; however it did spark a huge conversation about various accents and slangs etc.

Once the boat ride was over we decided it was time to start heading for home. Thus beginning an rather interesting task of trying to figure out how to do that. Initially we were planning to head back to JhuShan however after finding someone who spoke English we discovered that wouldn’t be as straightforward as I’d imagined and would include getting off in a place neither of us knew and trying to find a connecting bus/train whatever to get us back to JhuShan. We did however manage to find the bus stop easily and sitting there was a bus that went directly to Taichung. We decided the less risky way was for both of us to hop a bus to Taichung and from there I would hop a bus to JhuShan and David would make his way back to Taiping.

This time I stayed on the bus til we made it to Central JhuShan although I still got off in an unfamiliar spot and thus am still not sure where to hop a bus should I want to go to Taichung but eh I’m getting much better in navigating JhuShan and it wasn’t long before I was back on familiar territory. Aimed with the knowledge of how to say noodle I was going to brave ordering from one of the many food stores however I ended up chickening out and instead headed to the supermarket where I got a ready to heat meal which wasn’t bad. Tomorrow I will try my hand at ordering from a store.

Photos of today will be uploaded once I have resized them etc. All in all I feel like today was a mild success unfortunately the puffy store was closed by the time my bus stopped in Taichung…I guess I’ll have to get twice as many next time. Mmmm puffies.

Tomorrow I have to do washing….the washing machine is all in Chinese so that is going to be interesting. I also need to prepare my lessons for Tuesday and try and find another wifi hotspot. I can’t wait for the day that my paperwork comes through so I can finally go get an internet connection all for my own.

I really need to learn Mandarin and while I have a lot of resources at the end of a teaching day the last thing I feel like doing is sitting down and listening to cds with Mandarin on them….unless it’s music orientated, maybe someone should make a learn Mandarin in song cd, I may almost have a chance there. If only Sugarland would start singing songs in Mandarin.

I realised talking to David today that I’ve not really heard any News since leaving Australia. I mean the only newspaper in English here is the Taipei Times which focuses obviously on Taiwan and even then I always forget to go grab one….not that I’m overly concerned with the going ons in Taipei.

I go on a lot about internet and there is a very good reason for it…and not just because I’m a junkie although that does factor in a bit….essentially the internet allows me to feel connected to the world, it pulls me out of the isolation that comes from living in a place where almost no-one speaks English. If I were to do this all over again I’d have learnt a hell of a lot more Mandarin before heading here or I would have sacrificed the total immersion experience and found a job in a major city ie Taipei or Taichung. I can’t help wondering if my English ability will suffer from lack of use here. I’m tempted to go to the senior school near by and try to find people interested in improving their English by helping me navigate this weird little town but then I think that would just make me look creepy and desperate….and no one wants to befriend a creepy desperate person. Too bad I can’t just stumble upon the other foreign teachers here I’m sure they’d be a wealth of information. Maybe someday.

EDIT that was written last night today I got contacted by another foreign teacher based in JhuShan and we're meeting for lunch....I'll explain more later but talk about freaky.

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