Saturday, September 6, 2008

Tomorrow's gonna suck

Today should have been easy, I only had 2 classes, unfortunately 1 of them I crashed and burned in. It's a level 9 class so tehy are older and more advanced than most of my classes. For level 7 up I try and get them to speak English only. I figure by that stage they have a basic grasp on English.

This class I just could not get to stop speaking Chinese. They basically just wanted to throw the sticky balls as hard as they can at one another.

It's frustrating because at that level they have a decent understanding so the possibilities of what I could do with them are endless but if I can't get them to at least respect me I'm dead in the water.

I was talking to one of the students after class an tried to find out what I need to do to get the kids involved. I got some ideas but whether they are practical or not is a whole other matter.

Tomorrow my schedule is still up in the air. All I know is I have a hell of a lot of classes as it stands. I also have two things scheduled at the same that works I dunno. I tried to get information from Amy about what my timeline was but she gave me some info about one of my classes and then said she'd have to find out about the other thing and then left not to be seen again before I headed home.

This is something that really, really bugs me. As a teacher they expect me to give these mindblowing classes yet Amy in particular doesn't really give me any prep information unless I pry it from her. Maybe if I had more experience I could do a great class without prep but I'm still new and so it helps if I can have time to design games or think of new fun ways of teaching the material. Meh screw it.

One more day and then I have two days off, yay.

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