Friday, September 26, 2008

3 strikes and I'm out

So last night I was all set to hit the hay when my virus protector went kaput so I decided to reboot and then when that didn't work I did the whole turn off thing thinking i would just turn it back on it would be fine and I'd go to bed....err except my laptop had been running for well I dunno how many days straight and I think it may have effected the power switch connection. So I turned it off and pushed the button to turn it back on and nada ARGH. This was 12.30 (still a reasonable hour) so after trying a few more times I decide I just need to let it cool down and then I'll try it again in the morning...but of course I can't sleep so at 1.30 I try it again for like the 13th time and then decide it's time to operate of course I don't have the tools so after a few futile attempts I give up and hit the button again with no real hope only to have it spring to life.

I dunno if it is totally fixed or if the glitch is still there and I'm not keen to find out either. Of course the virus protector was still not working so I then had to repair that so instead of a reasonable hour to sleep I went to sleep just before 3 only to have to wake up again 4 hours later.

So once again I trek into Taichung to attend what I thought was teacher training. err no it's just a talk. So I rock into the room and head straight to the lecturer like a good little student to talk to her about my inability to speak any Chinese. To which I'm informed that as this is a lecture there will be NO English...NONE WTF!?!?!

So I sign and resign myself to the back of the room which is where Aniga said I should go so I could do my inattentive thing. Except Chloe took pity and came to sit with me which I thought was really sweet and much more than the other 'teachers' did. So we moved closer to the front as she is a much better student than I am and I felt bad. When the lecture started Chloe when out of her way to help translate the main points for me so I wasn't totally lost. Of course her English ability isn't great so she could only give me basics but I still really appreciated it.

That being said I was still pretty lost for the most of it. I did get to write a message to my cell...err like my innerself on a balloon (which later became a punching bag for the kids at my school much to the horror of the other teachers who seemed to be much more attached to their balloons.)

Towards the end there was an activity so I thought I'd take the time to go up to the lecturer as Amy had suggested the last time and try and suss out what the hell the talk was about. err yeah no. I really don't think this lecturer had a great grasp on English. So I went up and I'm like 'I don't really get what I'm meant to be doing..." and she takes my hand and pats it and is like 'it's ok it's ok' and then she hugs me and sends me back to my much for that idea.

But hey I tried. Ok could have probably tried a little harder but really I don't think I care. Yes I would like to be given ideas for improving my teaching but if I can't understand them then what is the use.

Unfortunately Amy wasn't around when I got back and she was actually quite sick when she did rock up so I didn't have the heart to talk to her about pulling out of the training from now on. I guess that talk will wait till tomorrow.

So while I was writing that I saw not 1 but 2 freaking spiders, one was a smallish daddy longlegs one the other was bigger. So after a slight freak out I kill the small one and then go after the big one which is climbing up the curtain, only to have it fall under my freaking laptop. But I killed it so yay me.

I'm so tired.

Today I started introducing English music to the office dunno how well it went but Amy still seems cool with it so I guess it's not a bad thing. I need to work to censor more of the stuff. I did an initial run through with bands that are obviously gonna have swears but I didn't get them all.

I had a kid ask me today what a vagina was talk about awkward. They were my junior high class so I just said that it's a body part and told him to leave it at that.

Oh after the training session we went to 'little italy cafe' in Taichung and had pasta. It was actually quite decent. Unfortunately while many dishes sounded great they also contained mixed seafood and as I've had slight reactions to at least 2 types of seafood here I figured I'd have to stay clear of that considering I had to head back to school and teach. So I had the creamy chicken mushroom spaghetti which was great.

Ok I'm sure there is more but it can wait cause I'm too tired to write more.

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