Monday, August 18, 2008

On My Way

Here I sit at Kuala Lumpur on a 3 hour layover before jumping the connecting flight to Taiwan. The plan was to sleep on the plane but after seeing the array of movies on offer that soon died, plus there was a screaming child a few rows back which didn't bother me when I was listening to the onflight entertainment but would have made it hard to sleep. So the plan then was to sleep now during the layover but the departure lounge isn't open and if I fall asleep where I am I'm likely to fall off the seat, so there goes that plan, I guess I'll have to sleep on the bus to Nantou (although from what I've heard of those buses I have a bad feeling that won't happen.)

So now I kill time surfing around on my little eeepc (not designed for people with long nails).

Next post will be from Taiwan.

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