Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Wanted: One backbone

Ok ok so I said the last teachers meeting in Taichung would be my last....but apparently it won't be. I finally got around to discussing this with Amy today and she freaking used reverse psyche on me. I was given my out and I guilted myself into agreeing once more to get up at stupid o'clock to attend another teachers meeting which will probably be in Chinese. I was however given a compromise, in that if I don't understand what's going on I'm welcome to just leave and spend my time walking around Taichung....why I wasn't told this earlier I dunno. So I guess that won't be so bad.

Today was pretty standard, although I did spend the first hour trying to set up the projector which was actually quite easy. This means powerpoint presentations are not only possible but probably expected from time to time.

One thing I have to give Amy credit for is that she is willing to spend the money to get what is needed. Or even what is desired. She isn't stingy which is a good thing.

Aniga's last day was yesterday so today was our first day without her. Winnie her replacement is actually doing better than I expected, she's picking things up fast.

Ok this is gonna be short as I have a 7am start tomorrow. Which sucks as I've become a total night owl and usually have trouble getting myself out of bed before 9.30 these days.

The sacrifices I make.

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