Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Beep Beep. Beep Beep, Yeah

Jade has a car. Jade has a shiny red car yay! Yes my car is red.

So after tossing up options and generally feeling completely in over my head with this whole finding a car thing I finally tracked down Brian my local music provider and all round saviour who in a matter of minutes had found me a promising specimen and set up a morning inspection for the next day.

So he drove me meet his mechanic friend who he has bought all his cars from and who his family uses etc and they show me this great little ford festiva. It has a few bangs but in Taiwan that's standard. Then he lets me take it for a test drive. It took a while for me to figure things out as I've never driven a car in Taiwan before. The whole left hand drive thing was weird. I kept putting on my windscreen wipers when I was trying to signal heh. Still the car ran great.

The guy offered to throw in all the paperwork fees and insurance for under my car budget so I went for it. After a couple of quick trips to the DMV the car was mine and I managed to navigate the signs back to school. I also now have a funky stamp with the chinese equivalent of my name which is well cool.

So without further ado here are some photos of my baby

Now I just have to name it...

So all in all an eventful day. Unfortunately I have a school thing all day Sunday so no road trip this weekend....but next weekend is filled with possibilities.

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